Thursday 24 December 2015

Quick Catch-up x

Hello everybody hope you're having great Christmas Eve! So I wanted to tell you why I've not been blogging recently. So firstly I have been really worked up and needed a little break from the internet. Secondly I have been stressing about my panic attacks, as I went to the doctors with my mum about them and he verified that I had an oversensitive sympathetic nervous system. Anyways, sorry this was a short blog post and hopefully I will be back properly blogging in the new year. Have a great Christmas!
Anonymous girl xxx

Saturday 5 December 2015

Why I am A Christian x

Hey guys! So today I am going to talk about my faith and why I believe what I believe. I'm not trying to shove my religion in anybody's face, so if you don't want to read this, feel free to click off now. So I started going to church when I was very young, so I've basically grown up knowing about God. I was christened when I was a baby, however I feel that I truly started believing in God, and praying on a more regular basis when I was around 13. This was after I went to an amazing camp, south of where I live. You do all sorts of awesome activities and learn about the bible. We also had a night where we could all ask anonymous questions about whatever we wanted like 'Why does God love us unconditionally?' etc. Obviously we only discussed it and did not come up with a proper answer, but the adults there are so good at explaining things that I could never even comprehend by myself. So I know most of you reading this are probably agnostic (no religion) but I just thought I would ost this for the few Christians reading, and if you have any questions just comment down below.
Anonymous girl xxx

Tuesday 1 December 2015

Christmas List x

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't posted in AGES! I've been really busy with school things recently. Just a quick disclaimer that I do not expect all of these things for Christmas it's just a few ideas for some of you who maybe want to know what I would find useful to ask for for Christmas. Anyways onto the actual list:
T-Shirts- This may seem really simple, however I am one of those people who completely forgets to ask for them for Christmas, but throughout the whole year I am always on the hunt for really cool, stylish t-shirts. If you are looking for these to buy for someone else I would highly recommend Primark. This is only available in the UK so sorry for any American readers. Primark's t-shirts are super cheap and very wearable,
Lush Products- Lush products are such good Christmas presents, as you can get them for anyone. I would recommend candy mountain for anyone who loves sweet scents (this is my favourite lush product ever as I personally love sweet scents) I would also recommend the sex bomb for anybody who prefers a sweeter scent (I also love this bath bomb)
Fairy Lights- I feel as if fairy light can make anybody's room look really cute and Tumblr. They just add a bit of cosiness to a room, great for Christmas time especially.
Makeup Brushes- I have been needing new makeup brushes for so long now, I have been told that the Real Technique ones are great and relitavely affordable, so if I get those, expect a reveiw to go up after Christmas if which ever ones I hopefully recieve.
Hope you enjoyed this Chrismas list and leave a comment on what I should blog about next.
Anonymous Girl xxx

Saturday 21 November 2015

Stage Fright x

Hello guys! Sorry for not a lot of posts recently I've been super busy. So today I thought that I would talk about stage fright in general and give a few tips to limit it as much as possible. The reason that I am talking about this is our school recently had a talent show and sugarandspice and I performed a duet. This was really big for me as many of you know I have anxiety so that makes doing things like this a lot more difficult to do, however, if you really want to do something, then just remember that nothing can stop you. For this I was singing and playing the piano at the same time (multi tasker!). Some things I did before I went on stage were take deep breaths and try to focus. I find that thinking of all of the positive outcomes of this performance will help you do the best that you can. Stage fright is one of the most common fears, so don't be worried if you think you are being really odd. Another tip that sugarandspice taught me was to pretend you body is a skyscraper with many floors (this sounds strange but it really helped before I performed) You just imagine that you are turning on the lights of every floor. This helps with your breathing as well as your focus.
Hope this helped some of you,
Anonymous girl xxx

Tuesday 17 November 2015

Anxiety Rant x

Hello everybody! If you're looking for a really happy and cutesy blog post, then click off now. So I noticed that I had quite a lot of views on my anxiety post, so I thought I would do a massive rant about it. I've been having loads of panic attacks recently, much more than usual. So much so, I had to break up with my boyfriend because of it. This was really hard for me, as it was by no means his fault and he was the kindest guy ever. This made me get even more stressed because everybody was asking why I finished with him. I have been having panic attacks about once every 2 days (You guys might get them more often than I do, but for me this is really frequent) I usually get them either in my English lesson or at home. This is really annoying as I love English and it is one of my strongest subjects, so having constant panic attacks in it is really distracting and draining while I'm trying to learn. A girl at school today asked me 'What does a panic attack actually feel like?' So I explained, it feels like you are in the rapids at a swimming pool and you get pushed under. You can't breath and you shake like crazy. Personally my vision gets really blurry and I get pins and needles in my hands (I don't know if this is just me). I hate it when I am in a lesson with none of my friends and I can feel one coming on. I have to awkwardly ask to go to the toilet and go and calm myself down. Leave a comment if you have had similar experiences and I hope this helped some of you.
Anonymous girl xxx

Saturday 14 November 2015

How To Deal With Stress x

Hello everybody! Sorry I've not posted in a few days. (I'm going to warn you this could be a really long blog) So lately I've been really stressed and anxious about life things and school. I thought that this blog might help some of you who are also stressed and need some tips to relax yourself.
Tip number 1: Don't jam-pack your schedule with loads of activities and social gatherings. Obviously don't detach yourself from the outside world, but just remember that it is important to put yourself before others sometimes. This will give a chance to do whatever you want and just chill. For this you could catch up on some YouTube or Netflix, or do something completely different like exercise.
Tip number 2: Have a pamper night. This could be with your friend, by yourself or even with your mum or sister. This will allow you to take real quality time on your body and let you take care of it and make it feel very lovely.For this you could; put on face masks, paint each other's nails, have a foot bath, do a full cleanse of your skin. This also makes you feel squeaky clean afterwards!
Tip number 3: Organize all of your things. This may seem really boring and not helpful for de-stressing, but when all of your things our organised in a way that suits you, then it lifts a big weight off your shoulders and enables you to find things a lot easier, therefore be less stressed.
Tip number 4: Have an early night. Again, this may sound really stupid or something, but sleep scientifically helps stress. It allows your body to unwind and repair itself. And lets be honest, who hates waking up when they're tired. As when you have had enough sleep the night before, you feel so much more awake and refreshed in the morning.
These are all the tips I have so far, hope you guys enjoyed it!
Anonymous girl xxx

Wednesday 11 November 2015

Primark Brushes x

Brush x
Hey guys, sorry I've not posted in a while. So today I thout I'd talk about the Primark brushes that have been out for a while now. So firstly they are super soft and made with synthetic hairs. Personally I prefer real bristles, however this brush is amazing. I think this brush was only £1.50! I use it for concealer and powder (I don't wear foundation because it makes my face feel cakey) It also is really easy to wash.  I know this may sound weird but some brushes, the product just clings to it so you can't get it off. This product is amazing value and I really want to try out more of the range, however the brushes do look very similar. Hope you guys liked this reveiw.
Anonymous girl xxx

Monday 9 November 2015

Short Story x

Hello everybody! So I thought that I'd start a segment of my blog where I would write a short story or poem, hope you enjoy! (I've made this one based on real encounters) x

English class. We are going over the same Shakespeare scene for the billionth time. I stare outside the stained window. The trees are shaking vigorously and the rain is pouring onto the dull school field. My green eyes flicker towards the pen-marked white board. The teacher asks us to write a short analysis. I bury my head in my faded red book. All of a sudden my heart begins to beat out of my chest. My pale face turns scarlet red. I cover my face with my hand and start to pack up my things.The bell beacons in my ear. All of the sounds around me become more sharp and frequent. I swiftly exit the room and make my way down the grey stairs. 'Are you okay?' Asks my friend, rushing along beside me. 'Yeah, just a bit tired.' She nods and goes to join everybody else. As I journey to biology, my breaths become shorter. It feels like I am drowning in my own pathetic emotions. As I finally reach the biology room I sit down at my wonky stool. One of my other friends sits next to me. He puts his head on my shoulder and looks up at me 'You're really red, are you alright?' I gave him a little nod and I begin to listen to the teacher. I usually love biology, but today I feel so claustrophobic and anxious, I desperately want to leave. I scurry around in my bag for a drink, as I am parched. I raise my shaking hand in the air 'Miss, can I go and get a drink please?' She nods and hands me her water bottle to fill up as well. When I am out the room I feel a huge relief. I breathe slowly and try to calm myself down. I think it is over, and it is. I take my time getting back to the classroom and smile at my friends who tried to comfort me. But this was the first of many.

Thanks for taking the time to read this guys, I know it was a bit short and not very descriptive, but this was all I could remember from the actual event. This was my first panic attack, so I didn't really know what was going on. However, at least I managed to calm myself down eventually :)
Anonymous girl xxx

Sunday 8 November 2015

Maybelline Lash Sensational x

Hey guys! So i'm just going to do a quick review or the Maybelline Lash Sensational Mascara. I personally think that it is a dupe for the Benefit Roller Lash, which gives amazing length without looking clumpy. I got it for £7.99, however, I am aware that there is currently a 3 for 2 deal at Super-Drug. If you prefer more volumizing mascaras, then this probably isn't for you. Although it does give a bit of volume, the main focus is the length. I would say that this mascara is quite hard to get off, which means it is long lasting, however a bit of a pain if you are only wearing it for a short period of time. Hope you guys liked this and I hope you had a nice day.
Anonymous girl xxx

Sleepover Ideas x

Hello everybody! So I decided that I was going o do a blog post about things to do at sleepovers with your friends. Sleepovers vary a lot depending on age etc, but the things that I am going to list are very versatile. You could watch movies like Mean Girls, Marley and Me or a horror if you're into all of that (I'm certainly not, I get so terrified!) For this it is essential to have lots of snacks like popcorn or chocolate!!! Another thing you could do is build a really cosy fort (I know that sounds really babyish but trust me its so fun!) To do this, just gather up all of the duvets you can find, dump them in your selected location, and then put a throw over a couple of chairs and there you have it! You could also do some Buzz-feed quiz's, as they are a bit of fun and really addictive! And finally, you can prank call people. Again, this may seem stupid, but it is hilarious when you call someone really gullible. 
Hope you guys enjoyed this post, love you
Anonymous girl xxx

Life x

Hey guys! Today I thought that I'd talk about life in general and how to live it to the fullest (sorry if that sounded really cheesy!) Anyways, I thought that I would start off by saying that, just remember, life is short, so be the best person that you can be. You don't have to follow the crowd, you don't have to like the same things as your friends. In school this might be really hard, as you want to fit in. But school is such a small part of your life, and the popular people will no longer be popular. And the people who always follow the crowd will be left directionless. Find friends who bring out the best in you, and make you feel comfortable being 100% yourself around them. And remember 'Live the life you love and love the life you live' Hope you enjoyed this little inspirational blog! Love you all.
Anonymous girl xxx

Saturday 7 November 2015

Choosing Options For GCSE x

Hello everybody! I hope you have enjoyed my blogs so far as I love making them for you! Anyways, today I am going to talk about choosing subjects for GCSE. If you do not live in the UK, then this will not apply to you so feel free to stop reading, however, for the few people who this may help, stay tuned. I am currently in year 10 and have been doing my chosen options for a while now. I chose Latin, drama, history and art. I am loving my subjects at the moment which is so important. I think that it is good to have a balance of creative and logical subjects so you get a wide range of skills needed in later life. Also, do some research on the subject you are thinking of taking to ensure it is right for you. And most importantly. DON'T DO WHAT EVERYBODY ELSE IS DOING! You want to be an original person that inspires people. Not a boring copy-cat that is exactly the same as everybody else (sorry for the rant!). Trust me, even if you have no idea about what to take, talk to your teachers about it, I promise that they will be glad that you are taking this seriously. Hope this helped some of you.
Anonymous girl xxx


Hi guys. I didn't know whether I should address this or not. But it turns out I have 50 views of my previous blogs! Which is so amazing considering I only started like a couple of hours ago! Anyway, I thought that there was a good chance that maybe some of you needed help with your anxiety, or maybe you could help your friends who also suffer with it.
I'm going to start off with 'What is it?' - Anxiety is when you have panic attacks on a regular basis. However, when you have anxiety, you could have a panic attack, when the situation is completely harmless. This can lead onto anxiety disorder, when you stop doing everyday things to try and stop yourself from having a panic attack, however, this makes you isolated from friends and family.
'Panic attacks?' - A panic attack is when your body is preparing you to get away from a certain situation. The symptoms include; fast heart rate, feeling sick, shaking, loss of breath and many more (These are just symptoms that I experience).
'How do you stop a panic attack?' -  If you/a friend are having a panic attack then just remember breathing. It seems so simple, but if you just remember to take deep breaths, then either you or tell your friend to in hale through your nose and exhale through your mouth, really slowly and this should calm you or your friend down gradually.
I hope this helped some of you and if you have any more questions feel free to comment them down below.
Anonymous girl xxx

A Bit About Me x

Hello guys! So for my next blog I thought I would talk about myself just to let you know who is typing this (I know that sounds weird but never-mind) I am a 14 year old girl from England and I am quite shy. I know that may sounds strange since I am writing a blog for the entire internet to read, but I get really scared when I meet new people, in case the don't like me or something. I thought I would start a blog to build up my confidence a bit, or at least help people with their problems I live in a really small town in the country-side which is basically all farmers lol. Comment down below if you would like another 'get to know me' video, have a nice day.
Anonymous girl xxx

Makeup Revolution Iconic 2 x

Hey guys! So I thought I'd start off doing a review of the Makeup Revolution Palette in Iconic 2. This is an eye shadow palette from super drug that is also available online. I have only purchased this recently and I have been OBSESSED with it! It's basically a dupe for the Urban Decay Naked 2 Palette, but for about a 10th of the price! I think that the original Naked palette is around £38.00-£40.00 and the Makeup revolution palette is only £4.00! All of the shades in it are extremely pigmented and last all day, even without a primer. If the original Naked 2 Palette is out of your price range then I would highly recommend this! Hope this helped some of you.
Anonymous girl xxx

My First Blog! x

Hello everybody! This is my first blog! I thought I'd start it as kind of a diary for myself, but it might help other people with similar problems. I'm probably going to talk about school stuff, cosmetics and life. I know nobody is probably reading this, but if you are then I am eternally grateful and love you so much and I hope you're having an amazing day.
 Anonymous girl xxx