Thursday 24 December 2015

Quick Catch-up x

Hello everybody hope you're having great Christmas Eve! So I wanted to tell you why I've not been blogging recently. So firstly I have been really worked up and needed a little break from the internet. Secondly I have been stressing about my panic attacks, as I went to the doctors with my mum about them and he verified that I had an oversensitive sympathetic nervous system. Anyways, sorry this was a short blog post and hopefully I will be back properly blogging in the new year. Have a great Christmas!
Anonymous girl xxx

Saturday 5 December 2015

Why I am A Christian x

Hey guys! So today I am going to talk about my faith and why I believe what I believe. I'm not trying to shove my religion in anybody's face, so if you don't want to read this, feel free to click off now. So I started going to church when I was very young, so I've basically grown up knowing about God. I was christened when I was a baby, however I feel that I truly started believing in God, and praying on a more regular basis when I was around 13. This was after I went to an amazing camp, south of where I live. You do all sorts of awesome activities and learn about the bible. We also had a night where we could all ask anonymous questions about whatever we wanted like 'Why does God love us unconditionally?' etc. Obviously we only discussed it and did not come up with a proper answer, but the adults there are so good at explaining things that I could never even comprehend by myself. So I know most of you reading this are probably agnostic (no religion) but I just thought I would ost this for the few Christians reading, and if you have any questions just comment down below.
Anonymous girl xxx

Tuesday 1 December 2015

Christmas List x

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't posted in AGES! I've been really busy with school things recently. Just a quick disclaimer that I do not expect all of these things for Christmas it's just a few ideas for some of you who maybe want to know what I would find useful to ask for for Christmas. Anyways onto the actual list:
T-Shirts- This may seem really simple, however I am one of those people who completely forgets to ask for them for Christmas, but throughout the whole year I am always on the hunt for really cool, stylish t-shirts. If you are looking for these to buy for someone else I would highly recommend Primark. This is only available in the UK so sorry for any American readers. Primark's t-shirts are super cheap and very wearable,
Lush Products- Lush products are such good Christmas presents, as you can get them for anyone. I would recommend candy mountain for anyone who loves sweet scents (this is my favourite lush product ever as I personally love sweet scents) I would also recommend the sex bomb for anybody who prefers a sweeter scent (I also love this bath bomb)
Fairy Lights- I feel as if fairy light can make anybody's room look really cute and Tumblr. They just add a bit of cosiness to a room, great for Christmas time especially.
Makeup Brushes- I have been needing new makeup brushes for so long now, I have been told that the Real Technique ones are great and relitavely affordable, so if I get those, expect a reveiw to go up after Christmas if which ever ones I hopefully recieve.
Hope you enjoyed this Chrismas list and leave a comment on what I should blog about next.
Anonymous Girl xxx