Saturday 26 March 2016

How To Revise Exams x

Hey guys, so as you probably know I am in year 10 at the moment and I am doing the AQA core exams in May. For this post I thought it would be a good idea to talk about revision tips and hacks.

So I think that the most important tip is to revise in a quiet room with no distractions like your phone. This may be hard but simply ask your parents to give you it back when you have finished revising so that you are not tempted to go and get it.

Tip number 2 is to reward yourself and have lots of little breaks so you don't overload your brain and end up forgetting everything. For my breaks, I usually eat food and scroll through my Instagram.

Tip number 3 is to NOT TO LISTEN TO MUSIC. I know a lit of you probably hate me for saying that, but trust me, it can be very distracting. If you are one of those people who physically have to listen to music in order for your brain to function, listen to instrumentals so that you don't focus on the lyrics of the song.

Tip number 4 is to chill. I know this seems impossible, but if you stress out about revision, then your brain will not be able to concentrate while you are studying. If I find that I am getting too stressed out to work, I simply stop and relax until I feel mentally ready to continue my work.

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed it.
Anonymous girl xxx